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  • Most Recommended Family Neighborhoods in Toronto

    2023/11/08 02:21:08 PM     Comments

    Queensway Real Estate Brokerage Inc read more

  • Top 5 contributing factors to Toronto’s increasing rent rates

    2023/11/08 02:18:31 PM     Comments

    Queensway Real Estate Brokerage read more

  • Toronto Real Estate Market Shows Resilience at the height of a Global Pandemic

    2020/11/22 04:50:43 PM     Comments

    The temperature might be cooling down, but October still managed to be a hot month for real estate in Canada, as home prices from coast to coast increased to the highest level for the month in 22 years, according to a home price index that monitors the country’s housing market. The  read more

  • The Market and What's Missing

    2018/12/27 11:59:19 AM     Comments
    The Market and What's Missing

    Housing advocates believe something is missing from the housing mix in urban Canada. The new housing construction is dominated either by high-rise towers or low-rise detached housing. Some proponents of mid-density housing, also known as the missing middle, consider it to be a panacea for meeting the growth targets in the greater Toronto area. read more

  • Current Market Growth

    2018/12/27 11:50:01 AM     Comments
    Current Market Growth

    Canadian Real Estate Price Gains Continue To Taper, Annual Growth Falls Below 2%   read more

  • Bank of Canada Sets Stage for July Rate Increase

    2018/06/02 12:06:58 PM     Comments
    Bank of Canada Sets Stage for July Rate Increase

    The Bank of Canada once again left interest rates unchanged today but dropped clues suggesting a strong chance of a hike at its next meeting in July. In today’s announcement, the Bank of Canada noted that inflation has been close to its two per cent target and will likely be higher than forecast in the near term. It also referenced rece read more

  • 2018 Housing Predictions

    2018/05/29 10:41:40 AM     Comments
    2018 Housing Predictions

    TREB’s Jason Mercer suggests that if the market progresses beyond current government policy, it could stablize and price should rise moderately.  True,yet none of the June 7th election candidates have said they would change anything. There seems to be a big belief in normal demand/supply economics, however there is nothing ordinary read more

  • How the Stress Test is Actually Helping Buyers

    2018/05/29 10:29:10 AM     Comments
    How the Stress Test is Actually Helping Buyers

    “Buyers knocked out of the market by the stress test are being saved, not persecuted,” says Globe & Mail writer Rob Carrick in a recent article. With interest rates still not far off historical lows, 5% of the e read more

  • A Decrease in Home Listings: 2017 vs. 2018

    2018/02/15 07:00:14 PM     Comments
    A Decrease in Home Listings: 2017 vs. 2018

    Canadian home sales dropped sharply in January to their lowest monthly level in three years amid a retreat in listings as new mortgage rules came into place, according to a new report from a national real estate group. The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) said Thursday that home sales through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) declined read more

  • New Mortgage Rules: Cause & Effect

    2018/02/15 06:55:55 PM     Comments
    New Mortgage Rules: Cause & Effect

    Starting Jan.1, home buyers faced a new challenge in addition to rising prices and a restricted supply of availab read more

  • New Mortgage Rules for 2018 and What They Mean

    2017/11/10 02:19:27 PM     Comments
    New Mortgage Rules for 2018 and What They Mean

    OSFI is setting a new minimum qualifying rate, or “stress test,” for uninsured mortgages (mortgage consumers with down payments 20% or greater than their home price). The rules now require the minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages to be the greater of the five-year benchmark rate published by the Bank of Canada (presentl read more

  • Hot Housing...Cooling?

    2017/09/05 02:04:58 PM     Comments
    Hot Housing...Cooling?

